Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, 9 October 2023

ImmunoTLV invites the submission of original abstracts for Oral or Poster Presentation.
All abstracts submitted via the online submission form before the deadline will be forwarded to the Congress Chairs for review.
All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear English with grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
Abstracts submitted by fax or e-mail will not be accepted.
Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
To correct an abstract that has already been submitted or to submit another abstract, please use the log-in and password which you received when you submitted your original abstract. This will enable you to access the previously submitted abstract/s or to submit an additional abstract/s.

Please follow the guidelines below when writing and submitting your abstract/paper.
The abstract should be as informative as possible, standard abbreviations may be used.
It should not contain diagrams/tables/images: these may be added when submitting the paper. Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
Author’s contact details (email, phone number, postal address)
Author’s and co-Authors’ details (Full first and family name(s), email)
Affiliation details: institution / company/ University, city, state (if relevant), country
Abstract title
Abstract text: The abstract should not exceed 250 words

Please choose from the list of topics HERE.

Title and Body:

Title: The title should clearly indicate the nature of the investigation. Each word should begin with a capital letter with the exception of transition words (maximum 25 words).
Length: The Abstract body should be no longer than 250 words in total

Structure: Please structure your abstract using the following headings:

  • Background
  • Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion

After your abstract is submitted you will be sent an automatic e-mail confirming your successful submission. If you do not receive this confirmation e-mail please contact

Note: Only the accepted abstracts of fully registered and paid presenters can be included in the final Congress program. Registration and payment is required by 1 November 2023. Failure to register and pay by this date will result in your abstract being removed from the program.

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